
Sardinia Castiadas

Rif: sardcastiadasliconchvll
Size (m²)
Garden size (m²)


New resort located adjacent to an offshoot of the Natural Park of the Seven Brothers (58,846 hectares, one of the most extensive of the Sardinia) that is propagated up to the sea in the Municipality of Castiadas in the province of Cagliari.

Set on a gentle slope in front of the sea, in the vicinity of the beautiful beach of Cala Sinzias to which it is connected with both pedestrian and both with shuttle service.

A space full of beauty, to live in a human scale, the paths are pedestrian only within the village as the choice of peace and serenity. Pedestrians within the village occur along cardi and decumani.

Use of natural building materials without the use of cement.

The features and the architecture of the houses and inspired by types that evoke the nuraghic and roman Sardinia, particular attention was paid to the recovery of the historical dimension of the places: in the typology of the villas, in the use of local materials, in the global organization of the village.

The main hub place for fun and relaxation of the village is the large swimming pool with panoramic view of the sea, framed between a succession of monoliths and equipped with a space reserved for the children, wide solarium, to serve of the whole community.

The homes are characterized by an open-plan composed of three distinct parts: the part which is covered for the day, the part which is covered for the night, and a third part for the living room in the open air, the true heart of the house.

Are available the latest 14 villas finished and ready to be inhabited.

From 108 sqm plus 48 sqm basement, patio and 145 sqm of garden.

To 117 sqm plus 51 sqm basement, patio and 300 sqm of garden.

Reserved Negotiations



Flaminia S.r.l.
Real estate and investments
24121 Bergamo – Italy
V.le Vitt. Emanuele II n. 65
Ph.  +39 035 231588
Fax +39 035 232714
Facebook: StudioImmobiliareValle
Twitter: ValleRealEstate
Skype: Valle-Real-Estate

Tavern - Balcony - Terrace - Cellar - Air conditioner - Swimming pool - Living room - Study - Closet

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