Important development project of residential construction / hotel / Commercial / Golf Club / Marina / Catering / Sports / Casino.
The property is located on the island of Comandatuba, a tropical paradise overlooking stunning beaches of fine white sand and on the ocean from one side and from the other side on large river of mangroves that from hinterland opens into the ocean creating a mixture of sweet and savory waters, a unique place where is settled a hotel structures of greater merit of Brazil, a few steps from an airport arranged for the development of international flights (far only 3 km from the airport) and widely served by the highway far about 90 km from Ilheus and further 100 km from Salvador.
The development has a territorial surface of about 3,000,000 square meters for a total buildable area in project of 225,000 sqm and is divided into several lots and areas of development that can be purchased separately or together:
Area A) Surface area 159.000 sqm, surface developed area 11.000 sqm. The project foresees the construction of a Golf Course plus restaurant and homes at the service of the golf club.
Area B) Surface area 400,000 sqm, surface developed area 12.000 sqm. The project foresees the development of apartments.
Area C) Surface area 877.000 sqm, surface developed area 22.000 sqm. The project foresees the development of club house and apartments as well as services for the golf area.
Area F) Surface area 170,000 sqm, surface developed area 42.000 sqm. The project foresees the realization of apartments and villas in addition to Yacht Club with tourist marina.
Area G) surface area 295.000 sqm, surface developed area 54.000 sqm. The project foresees the development of restaurant, auditorium, wellness center, sports facilities, children area, apartments and houses.
Area H) surface area 615.000 sqm, surface developed area 59,000 sqm. The project foresees the development of restaurant, church, hotel, casino, disco, shops, apartments and villas.
Area I) Surface area 90.000 sqm, surface developed area 6,700 sqm. The project foresees the development of bars and homes.
Area J) Surface area 413,000 sqm, surface developed area 2,300 sqm. The project foresees the development of stables.
The master plan allows an increase of the volume up to 42 % of the project area and height up to 15 meters.
Are already available building permits in date 2005, study of environmental and economic policy and the primary urbanization, the geological study, positive opinion of all the authorities concerned, business plan, all fractionations of the areas that are free from constraints and mortgages.
It is also possible a partnership of development of the project with the company owner of the lots.
Strictly confidential informations only, accreditation is required
Flaminia S.r.l.
Real estate and investments
24121 Bergamo – Italy
V.le Vitt. Emanuele II n. 65
Ph. +39 035 231588
Fax +39 035 232714
Facebook: StudioImmobiliareValle
Twitter: ValleRealEstate
Skype: Valle-Real-Estate
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