Nestled amidst desert, cliffs and ocean, Chbika is the personification of a hidden Saharan paradise coming out of an artist’s canvas. It may seem like a poet’s dream mto find a town huddled within a plateau, but it was Oued Chbika that combined art, architecture and state-of- the- art infrastructure to create a picture perfect beach town that moulds the novelty of the desert and charm of the sea. With views of the majestic Atlantic Ocean, Chbika basks in year round sunny climates ideally fit for those seeking year-round sun and refreshing Atlantic sea breeze.
Coming across a location of such untapped beauty along with the unique landscape of sea, mountains and sand harmoniously co-existing; has contributed to the natural molding of Chbika’s architecture with the natural surroundings. Creating Chbika amidst this breathtaking milieu will unveil the splendour of this new getaway.
You can say that this place is an addition to Morocco’s magical charm, where nature, culture and luxury all mould together to create the ever perfect spirit of
Chbika Facts:
– Average annual temperature of 22°C.
– 3 1/2 hours flight time from major European cities.
– 50 km south of Tan-Tan, and 400 km south of Agadir.
– Directly opposite the Canary Islands.
The enchanting Chbika will include :
– 5-star marina town.
– 8 hotels offering 2,500 hotel rooms.
– 1,851 residential units.
– A world class 18-hole golf course.
– A medina (pedestrian area with very narrow. streets like an old town)
– Congress center.
– Entertainment, shopping & sports facilities.
– Life community “hotels, bars, restaurants, boutiques, health center”
Facts and figures:
CHBIKA Ocean Dunes: Opening 2013.
– 5 hotels offering 1,500 rooms.
– 1,111 apartments, villas and town houses.
– Marina with 100 berths.
– Sports center.
– 18-hole golf course.
– Entertainment, shopping & sports facilities.
– Life community “hotels, bars, restaurants, boutiques, health center”.
– Medina.
– Congress Center.
CHBIKA Golf: Opening 2015.
– 3 hotels offering 1,000 rooms.
– 740 apartments, villas and town houses.
– Golf course extension to 27 holes.
Welcome to the Chbika Marina, an aquatic treasure guarded by the Saharan cliffs to open towards the majestic Atlantic ocean. The unique design of this marina is set to accommodate at least 104 berths for its first phase, with a basin that will cover up to 40,000 square meters. Chbika Marina is designed to fit the highest international standards ensuring that it is fully equipped with only the best services for our homeowners’ and future visitors’ yachts.
This place is set to become the bustling life of Chbika; a hub for world class hotels as well as dining and shopping experiences, the marina is the ideal place for pleasant and relaxing mornings that progress through the day preparing for a vibrant nightlife.
Flaminia S.r.l.
Real estate and investments
24121 Bergamo – Italy
V.le Vitt. Emanuele II n. 65
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