Monte Azul

Rif: monteazul
Size (m²)


The location of MONTE AZUL, development south and south east facing over the beach of Los Olivos and the protected woodland, which separates the development of the beach, places the dwellings in a tranquil enclave and a privileged location due to the panoramic views that it enjoys from the property, where you will be able to see the bay of Cullera and the Gulf of Valencia, all the way to the Montgó mountain in Denia.

Luxury townhouses, with a minimalist architectonic style, where emphasis has been placed in the enjoyment of the landscape, from both the living room as well as from the three bedrooms or even from the kitchen. The property includes a wide living and dining room, great kitchen and barbeque area, two full bathrooms plus a guest’s toilet, Japanese style garden, which make Monte Azul completely different from the usual holiday apartments.

With a staircase closed by a glass wall it permits you to see the Mediterranean Sea and a terrace, which allows you to link the dwelling with the sea.

Households with first quality specifications and a concept thought to blend with the privilege surroundings.

Garage space for two or more vehicles, with the possibility to install a lift to have access to the ground floor and the first floor.

Swimming pool for each dwelling, which has an overflow system, which allows you to feel as if you are swimming on the Mediterranean Sea, these swimming pools have the possibility of adding Jacuzzi and currents, so the size of the pool doesn’t become an inconvenience when swimming.

There are plenty of sporting facilities in the area, which the residents could make use of, like swimming pools, tennis courts and restaurants.

If the beach is what takes your fancy, which is very close from MONTE AZUL, there is no need to drive as there will be a direct pedestrian access to the beach of Los Olivos.

In the other hand if you like going for walks, we recommend walking to the light house, where you will enjoy great views of the sea.


Flaminia S.r.l.
Real estate and investments
24121 Bergamo – Italy
V.le Vitt. Emanuele II n. 65
Ph.  +39 035 231588
Fax +39 035 232714
Facebook: StudioImmobiliareValle
Twitter: ValleRealEstate
Skype: Valle-Real-Estate

Balcony - Terrace - Swimming pool - Living room

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