Steps from Fifth Avenue and Central Park the Centurion is surrounded by the finest shops in the world. In addition, superb dining, entertainment, hotels museums and city landmarks abound, all within a short walk from The Centurion. This is the destination location of Manhattan’s most sophisticated and privileged international and domestic residents and visitors
The Peis chose to clad all four sides of The Centurion’s magnificent 19-story facade in fine Chamesson limestone quarried from the Burgundy region of France. Each hand-set stone is a warm beige color animated by gentle wisps of brown veining. The entire facade rests on a base of dark gray Jet Mist granite.The project is notable for is cascading terraces and its five “lanterns,” which is what Mr. Pei calls the five double-height windows on the 56th Street façade. These are living rooms with 17-foot-ceilings and they extend above the “tapered” setbacks that are angled at the building’s east and west sides.
» 48 Residences of unprecedented architectural integrity and livability
» 1,2,3 and 4-bedroom residences
» Suite mix includes 13 terraced homes and 3 Penthouses
» Bosch washer and dryer in every residence
» Ceiling heights range from 10 to 17 feet in primary rooms
» Teak floors in all primary rooms: marble, Limestone, or porcelain loors in bathrooms and powder rooms
» Terrace walls of French limestone; terrace floors finished with complementary stone pavers
» Residential unit interior doors are approximately 8 feet high, solid core, 4-hinge, paint-grade wood
» Enormous tinted, sound-insulated windows
Flaminia S.r.l.
Real estate and investments
24121 Bergamo – Italy
V.le Vitt. Emanuele II n. 65
Ph. +39 035 231588
Fax +39 035 232714
Facebook: StudioImmobiliareValle
Twitter: ValleRealEstate
Skype: Valle-Real-Estate
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